Friday, August 24, 2007

Summer 2007 Photo

What a nice bunch of kids we've got. Look at 'em. I figured it was time for a new sidebar photo and I think this will do.

And what a nice place we live in. I feel so lucky.


  1. Anonymous3:53 am

    Magic picture, magic place and looks (and sounds) like a pretty magic family. I certainly feel so supported by your blog. Thanks for writing so regularly! Jacinda

  2. They are a nice bunch of kids, Miranda! A beautiful family with a perfect is good!

  3. Wow they sure are growing up! All 4 of them have changed a great deal over the past year . . . great looking bunch :)

  4. A picture of happiness and beauty!

  5. Great looking kids, indeed! And the background is wonderful. You are so lucky!

    It looks like a nice, cool day.

  6. Beautiful picture. Kids look great, scenerly looks heavenly!

  7. I love the fact that your picture also illustrates 'smaller kids don't feel the cold'!

  8. Beautiful bunch of kids, if I do say so myself LOL

    And I agree, you live in a stunningly beautiful place.

    I am catching up on reading blog post as we have been very busy and in and out on trips and gatherings, so I will be getting back to some of your posts I have missed, Miranda. The titles alone have piqued my interested LOL Just need another week for things to settled down at home :-)

  9. LOL, Jane, I hadn't noticed that part, since it's just such a part of who they are. Sophie especially, despite having about 0.1% body fat, rarely has anything other than a short sleeved something on.

  10. Anonymous10:56 am

    One of my memories of the SVI week will be of Sophie spending the LONGEST time in the lake, when all around her were dashing out to get warmed up every so often, and Alex and Noah refusing to take any clothes off at all (I have a great 'viola power' kayak photo I must send you). Me, I put a toe in the water, but Sophie is made of stern stuff!

  11. Beautiful picture!


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