Sunday, May 10, 2009

It is orange and red

One colour at a time, one coat at a time, one wall at a time.


  1. I L-O-V-E the orange!
    You will have to post a picture when finished.
    Your family sure is adventurous in their colour selection. How did the decision to paint the walls those two colours come about? I am NOT that adventurous when painting :o)

  2. Anonymous5:56 am

    Great colour choices! I'm so excited for you guys! Home improvement projects can be so fun. It's going to be awesome when it's finished!!


  3. I admire your bold paint colour selection! It looks great!

    I've secretly wanted to do something adventurous with paint colour, but I've never been able to bring myself to do it. If you look at a paint chip and say "gee, that colour is boring" I'd probably put it on my walls! LOL

  4. Crystal, the decision came about because throughout our lives dh and I have always chosen safe boring colours for paint and we were just tired of it. We have reached middle age and thought what the heck, why not just do something weird and bold? The only truly odd household 'decor' decision we've made in the past was to hang gym rings from the centre of the living room. Otherwise it's been beige carpeting and light green walls, that sort of thing.

    I guess we figured "what's the worst that can happen?" Which was that we'd hate it and paint over again in a few months. There are worse fates.

  5. I so hear you about safe, boring colours! AND we have beige carpet. Looking forward to seeing the room in its finished state.


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