Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jovano Jovanke

I'm not quite sure how this took shape. Two of the students (one being my eldest) had performed this at another institute with the ringleader-faculty-member. They decided between them that there should be a Valhalla version as well. So they conned, coerced, encouraged and brokered deals to get a couple of other students and a bunch of faculty members playing too. They performed it as an "entr'acte" between the cello and violin performances at the final concert. Amidst all the chair-shuffling, chaos and noise, they had a lot of fun. My first try at rendering this produced a lot of distortion from the tambourine; I think this version is a bit better.


  1. Fun piece. Is that young Alexis in the middle? We saw him at the Boxwood Festival last month.

    Congratulations... it looks like you had a fine Valhalla this summer.

  2. I have nominated you for the Brillante blog award. Please see my blog post of today.


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