Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Looks like she is indeed feeling brave and adventurous. Time to starting vaccinating and applying for a passport. And getting my head wrapped around the idea that my introverted homebody who has only rarely been away even overnight is in fact eager to head out and see the far reaches of the world for a month or two.


  1. Wow! So cool! I love your stories about Erin!

  2. Anonymous6:37 am

    Yep, this growing up business sucks at times... but oh what a wonder for her to experience!!!

  3. She's starting to save up for the trip? ;-)

  4. She's welcome to camp in "our woods" if she comes by our area! May be a little "cramped", but it's definitely not "rough-going" at all in Singapore!

  5. Sam, thanks for the offer. They'll be travelling as a five-some so I think it would be very cramped indeed! But I think you're safe from being inflicted upon as they'll fly into Bangkok and stay totally off the beaten path. F. & T. have travelled through Myanmar and Cambodia extensively over the past few years and the trip is conceived as comprising mostly rural travel in those countries.

    As for "saving" ... well, she doesn't have any income to save, so no. She's only just become legally employable (must be 14 here) and has too many musical commitments to be a desirable employee. (She'll be unavailable for 6 weeks this summer, and most weekends, due to concerts, summer school and lessons away.) She does get a small allowance, and she's been saving all of that for her chamber music trip across Canada this summer.


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