Friday, January 09, 2009

Long walk for a veggie melt

After a few days of pretty much being stuck at home I decided today deserved a winter adventure. We begged a ride to town with Chuck and then headed to a café for lunch. Veggie melts are a favourite, though today it was only Noah who opted for this choice, the rest of us trying other fare.

And then we started walking home. The snow had begun falling again, after two days of rain and melting, and the white began to make things pretty again.

The only place to walk these days is on the highway, the shoulders being heaped up with half-frozen mounds of snow and slush, but the road is closed so there wasn't really any traffic -- just an occasional Ministry of Highways vehicle or machine.

It took about an hour and a half. Fiona walked the whole way -- I was so proud of her. It's not easy walking relentlessly uphill over almost 4 kilometres of snow and slush and ice with heavy winter boots on your feet.

What did we do today? We went to town and had lunch, and came home again. That was about it. But it was pretty big for us.

The really good news was that the UPS and mail trucks got through today, and Sophie's Rosetta Stone French arrived, as did the new hard drive Noah bought for the "kids' computer." So there are some happy kids here tonight!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 pm

    That looks like so much fun; I miss having enough snow to sneak out for some midnight cx skiing. We went on a 4k walk tonight too, to watch a movie in dh's office, uphill and down in the moonlight, no flashlights needed. Atypically warm at 54F. On the way home we saw the Lageos laser twinkling green at 10Hz, and then my youngest shrieked me-te-or! and we turned just in time to see the last half second of a golden trail ending with a flash...



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