Monday, April 20, 2009

Cold spring bonfire

It was really cold but we had lots of pruned branches to burn, some marshmallows to cook (and even the vegetarians wanted them) and the snow was gone from around the fire ring. So we had the first bonfire of the year.

We carried the solar garden lights out to the fire ring on their stakes like torches. (Separated from their stakes they had been very helpful as indoor lights during the big forest fire / power failure a couple of years ago. I think we must get more of them. Very useful.) It took forever to get the fire going. We ended up using some proper dried-and-cured firewood to start it. Eventually it caught and burned hot enough to give us marshmallow coals.

The stars were brilliant, the moon not yet out. The kids poked and fed the fire, waved glowing sticks around, ate lots of sugar, the usual bonfire fun.

We got sticky with marshmallow stuff, hot and cold on our fronts and backs respectively, and smoke-stinky. Everything just as it should be.


  1. Anonymous2:36 pm

    This just looks like so much fun! You really can't get much better than bonfires and roasted marshmallows, especially right in front of your house.

  2. hey, i found your blog thru a link on mdc. the egg hatching looks really interesting, my kids would love that! i hope you get at least a few little chicks!


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