I'm not sure why I took this picture. It's just so typical of the kids, all glued to the computer, but socially so ... I thought you might enjoy it.
1. Old kids' artwork done with hand-made rubber stamps.
2. Erin cuddling Fiona, who is draped in a quilt made for her by now-grown friend living in Kamloops.
3. Sophie, under-dressed for winter as usual.
4. The Guide to North American Birds, Western Edition.
5. Webcam, mostly for keeping in touch with now-grown friend living in Kamloops. Perhaps potentially useful for keeping in touch with cousins in England, but procrastinating uncle hasn't yet bought his webcam.
6. Three-seater computer bench which doubles as a dress-up clothes trunk, with recently-shredded naugahyde upholstery.
7. One of Erin's thirty-some-odd self-taught and self-executed braid styles. Where did she learn to do all this? On the internet, I think.
8. Noah, with his knees pulled up inside his T-shirt, his usual sitting posture. The only way to dissuade him from this style of repose is to quip "Noah, you have breasts."
9. "101 Project Ideas with Geometer's Sketchpad" booklet, placed on window ledge as a sun-shade.
10. Metronome. Always handy. Seldom used.
11. Fiona, always in the middle of everything the older kids are doing.
12. A Hilroy exercise booklet, the medium of choice for Euwy stories and Euwy Cartoons.
13. Steering wheel, once used for noxious street-racing game introduced to children by bad-influence father who insists he really believed that he could download the game for himself and not have the kids find out about it. Steering wheel is currently serving an invaluable role as anchor for desktop clutter.
14. Cardboard box purchased in a futile attempt by Miranda to minimize desktop clutter.
15. "Interesting paper"... ready to fall off the despised open-ended shelving, as soon as Noah leans the wrong way and bumps it. Cardstock of various colours, laminating plastic, avery adhesive paper, CD labels, etc. etc., all poised for an avalanche.
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