Sunday, August 28, 2011

Family Chamber Music

It's family reunion time here in the Kootenays. Amidst all the food and banter and hiking and paddling and running and bouncing on the trampoline and swimming and basking in the sun and talking late into the evenings, there's also chamber music.

Erin, my sister Anna, my brother Jonathan, Noah.

My three kids filling out the upper strings in a Mozart 2-viola quintet. Not shown: my sister-in-law Emma on 2nd viola and my brother Jeremy on cello.

Parry "English Suite": Sophie and Erin on 1st, Fiona on 2nd.

Me on 2nd viola, with all of my siblings and my two eldest kids.


  1. That looks like the best sort of family get together, all doing something you love.

  2. Anonymous3:53 pm

    How wonderful! Such a special gift...for you all to be musically gifted and willing/able to share it with one another.

  3. Jeremy Hughes3:42 am

    I'm not gifted, I'm weird.


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