Saturday, July 09, 2011

Market math

Fiona watches Sophie adeptly add the cost of three items in her head, receive a $20 bill, work out the required change and count out a $5 bill, two toonies and three quarters to make change quickly and accurately.

"Sophie's not very good at making change," she whispers to me quietly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, stupidly assuming that Fiona was unable to follow the complexity of what Sophie has just done and thinks she made a mistake.

"She should have just asked that lady if she had an extra quarter and given her a ten back. Much simpler."


  1. Love it - that made me giggle.

  2. I need Finoa to give ME a math lesson. After two reads I thought Sophie gave $7.75 change! LOL! Those darn Toonies. Glad to hear things are going well at the Market for them, what a great experience!

  3. Loved the post! We homeschool, too.

    Hi! I know you are super busy, so I am going to try to keep this message as short as possible.

    I have started a new series on my homeschooling and homemaking deals site and would love to feature 1 or 2 of your posts each week. The new series, "Homeschooling on the Cheap!" is set up through blog carnival. You simply go to my carnival each week between Saturday and Thursday to submit your best posts for the upcoming Saturday edition. That's it! I would love to share your posts with my readers during my Homeschooling on the Cheap weekly feature.

    You can see my first edition here:

    and you can submit your posts to the upcoming carnival here:

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and I hope to see your submissions soon. :-) I was going to email you but I couldn't find your email contact.

    Kelli Miller

  4. Oh my gosh, she's brilliant!


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